Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dual Band Dipole

This is another Antenna I tried. I made this one for 40 and 75/80 meters, but you can make it for your favorite bands. I used a 4" PVC pipe coupler cut in half, so I could make another one later. I used 4 male quick couplers from Hustler (from my collection of mobil antenna parts), and threaded them into the undersize hole around the coupler. The studs where paired up with lite bare wire, and 300 ohm twin soldered to each. I used two Hamsticks, or equivalent for 40 meters and the other two for 75/80 meters. The idea was to be able to load up the antenna on other bands as well. I was able to load this design on 10 and 20 meters. I didn't try it anywhere else. However I would like to note that the 200' of Random Wire (not a Long Wire) that I have out across three trees by the apartment still out performs this antenna on 75/80 meters. One other thought in favor of this antenna is that I could run 100 watts on 10 and 20 meters without any RF in the apartment like the Random Wire does with 50 watts.

1 comment:

WB9WHG Dave said...

Hi Dennis, Nice to hear you on PICO Net this AM! You were abt S1 here, it's hard to radiate well on 75 with Hamsticks... An end-fed wire can work well, but unless you have a length cut for 75 (60 FT?), and a same-length counterpoise (even a wire hanging down from window), you end up with RF in the shack, as you found, I guess... It's great you have access to attic! A shortened wire dipole or a 75M loop (I think it could be 2-3 "turns" if small attic) might also work well... (260 Ft total length?) Good Luck, Dennis! There's also a HF receiver in Salt Lake City, on the Internet, that you could dial up and hear how you sound from SLC... 73, Dave WB9WHG